Drug Information
What are Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines are a class of medications that work in the central nervous system and are used for a variety of medical conditions.
Benzodiazepines are depressant drugs. This means that they slow down the activity of the central nervous system and the messages travelling between the brain and the body.
They do not necessarily make a person feel depressed. Other depressants include alcohol, cannabis and heroin.

Benzodiazepines, also known as minor tranquillisers, most commonly prescribed by doctors to relieve stress and anxiety and to help people sleep.
As a drug class, benzodiazepines are similar in how they work in the brain but have different potencies, durations of actions, and receptor site affinities.
Because of this, some benzodiazepines work better than others in the treatment of particular conditions.
However, there is increasing concern among medical professionals about the risks of using these drugs, particularly when they are used for a long time.
Some people use benzodiazepines illegally to become intoxicated or to help with the ‘come down’ effects of stimulants such as amphetamines or cocaine.
Benzodiazepine Uses:
Sedative-hypnotics for sleep
Adjuncts to anesthesia to induce relaxation and amnesia (procedural memory loss)
To reduce anxiety (anxiolytic)
Panic disorders
To treat or prevent seizures
For alcohol withdrawal
Muscle relaxant
How are they used?
Benzodiazepines are usually swallowed. Some people also inject them.
Effects of benzodiazepines
There is no safe level of drug use. Use of any drug always carries some risk. It’s important to be careful when taking any type of drug. Benzodiazepines affect everyone differently, but the effects may include:
Feelings of isolation or euphoria
Impaired thinking and memory loss
Drowsiness, sleepiness and fatigue
Dry mouth
Slurred speech or stuttering
Double or blurred vision
Impaired coordination, dizziness and tremors
Nausea and loss of appetite
Diarrhoea or constipation
If a large amount is taken, the following may also be experienced:
Over-sedation or sleep
Jitteriness and excitability
Mood swings and aggression
Slow, shallow breathing
Unconsciousness or coma
Death (more likely when taken with another drug such as alcohol)
Injecting benzodiazepines may also cause:
Vein damage and scarring
Infection including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS
Deep vein thrombosis and clots causing loss of limbs, damage to organs, stroke and possibly death
Injecting drugs repeatedly and sharing injecting equipment with other people increases the risk of experiencing these effects.
Long-term effects
Regular use of benzodiazepines may cause:
Impaired thinking or memory loss
Anxiety and depression
Irritability, paranoia and aggression
Personality change
Weakness, lethargy and lack of motivation
Drowsiness, sleepiness and fatigue
Difficulty sleeping or disturbing dreams
Skin rashes and weight gain
Withdrawal symptoms
Using benzodiazepines with other drugs
The effects of taking benzodiazepines with other drugs can be unpredictable and dangerous. Benzodiazepines used with alcohol or opiates (such as heroin) can cause breathing difficulties, an increased risk of overdose and death.
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Please feel free to contact us at any time:
Telephone : 1300 711 116
Mob: 0426 979 070
Email: info@progressivediagnostics.com.au