Drug Information
Understanding Opiates
Opiates are a group of natural, partially synthetic, or synthetic drugs derived from the poppy plant or chemically synthesized in laboratory settings.
This class of drugs includes both legal and illegal drugs. Legally prescribed opioids include morphine, codeine, and oxycodone. Illegal opioids include heroin.
Opioids are used to help individuals cope with pain. They bind to natural opioid receptors in the brain, mimicking specific chemicals that are related to sensations of pain relief, pleasure, and reward.
When used as prescribed, legal opioids are one of the most effective forms of pain relief, especially when the pain is severe or other attempts to relieve the pain have proven unsuccessful. However, since opioids have both pain relieving properties and positive psychological properties, they are among the most abused types of substances currently available.
When opioids are abused or when illegal opioids, which have a significantly higher potency, are taken usually, the route of administration is altered.
Often pills are ground and the powdered form is snorted, smoked, or mixed with water and injected. These methods of using the substance increase the speed of absorption, leading to a “rush,” a fast acting strong effect of positive sensations.
Even when taken as prescribed however, the potential for abuse and addiction is high and treatment may be required. Repeated use can lead to physical dependence within 4-6 weeks, however psychological addiction can result in as little as two days.

Signs and Symptoms of Opioid Abuse
Mood/Psychological symptoms:
Increased general anxiety
Anxiety attacks
Improved self-esteem
Lowered motivation
Behavioral symptoms:
Opioids are used for longer or at a greater amount than intended
Unsuccessful attempts to decrease the amount taken
Large amount of time spent obtaining, using, or recovering from the drug
Abandonment of important activities
Physical symptoms:
Improved alertness
Increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli
Constricted blood vessels
Increased heart rate
High blood pressure
Increased energy
Decreased appetite
Increased sexual arousal
Physical agitation
Difficulty sleeping
Over arousal and hyper-vigilance
Effects of Opioid Abuse
Some of the side effects of opioid use include:
A sense of elation
Physical and psychological dependence
Depressed respiration and difficulty breathing
Death (often due to use of more than one substance)
Chest pain
Withdrawal Effects of Opioid Abuse
Some of the common withdrawal effects associated with stopping the use of opioids include:
Physical and psychological cravings
Stomach pain
Cold sweat
Muscle tension
Shaking or quivering
Trouble sleeping
Enlarged pupils
Pain in the bones
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your drug testing requirements,
offering a flexible and comprehensive service to meet your industry needs.
Please feel free to contact us at any time:
Telephone : 1300 711 116
Mob: 0426 979 070
Email: info@progressivediagnostics.com.au