Drug Information
Synthetic Drugs
What are Synthetic Drugs?
Synthetic drugs, or new psychoactive substances (NPS), are also known by a number of other names including new and emerging drugs (NEDs), bath salts, herbal highs and legal highs.
These drugs aim to mimic the effects of existing illicit drugs such as cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy. Synthetic drugs have different chemical structures to the illicit substances that they are trying to mimic, so they can be marketed as ‘legal’, safe and acceptable alternatives to illicit drugs.
However, their legality can vary and their safety is unverified. It is not known how safe they really are as there is limited research on the short, medium and long-term effects of these substances.
There are also concerns about what is actually in NPS. There are no quality control checks on synthetic drugs, so it is not always known what substances they contain.
They come in the form of powders, pills and dried herbs that have been soaked in synthetic chemicals.

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These drugs are often promoted or sold as if they are harmless and are called names like herbal highs, party pills, herbal ecstasy or bath salts. These new psychoactive substances are illegal because of the potential risk of harm they pose.
These drugs are often promoted or sold as if they are harmless and are called names like herbal highs, party pills, herbal ecstasy or bath salts. Many new psychoactive substances are illegal because of the potential risk of harm they pose.
These emerging or new synthetic drugs are so new that they have rarely or never been tested. This means that, if you experiment with these drugs, you will be at risk of serious harm because: ï‚·
you don’t know where they came from
you don’t know what chemicals and other compounds are in them
you don’t know how you might react to them
you can’t assume that just because you didn’t have a bad reaction last time then you are safe
you don’t know how they might react to other substances you have taken including alcohol or other drugs
you don’t know that the drug will be the same strength or same drug you had last time
Constantly Evolving
LSD, PCP and Ecstasy (MDMA) were the earlier synthetic drugs and amphetamine and methamphetamine were even earlier than that. Now, this new market has been unleashed with a long list of new destructive chemical after another being introduced into the illicit drug market.
New synthetics arrive on the market constantly, so it is not possible to compile a complete list. Chemists who wish to evade arrest change the formula slightly and come up with something new that might not be listed in the text of laws that ban drugs.
Symptoms can last for hours or even days. Since these drugs are addictive, one of the signs of synthetics abuse is compulsive use despite the harm that is being experienced.
The difficulty with determining if a particular set of symptoms relates to synthetic drug abuse is that drug tests, like laws, are trailing behind the industry manufacturing these drugs.
There is one drug test, for example, that can identify fourteen drugs that might be included in bath salts, but there are eighty others that might make up the formulation. So a person could be tested for all known drugs and test negative but have abused a new chemical that was not included in the list.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your drug testing requirements,
offering a flexible and comprehensive service to meet your industry needs.
Please feel free to contact us at any time:
Telephone : 1300 711 116
Mob: 0426 979 070
Email: info@progressivediagnostics.com.au